How to reset root password in Ubuntu 10.10

In Linux and Unix, there is a SuperUser named Root but in windows Root is Administrators group. The SuperUser can do anything and everything, and thus doing daily work as the SuperUser can be dangerous. You could type a command incorrectly and destroy the system. Ideally, you run as a user that has only the privileges needed for the task at hand. In some cases, this is necessarily Root, but most of the time it is a regular user.

Reset Ubuntu Password:

To reset Ubuntu password follow the steps, it is very simple and easy to reset the password.

1. Reboot your machine and press alternatively shift+esc key. Now the grub menu will display.

2. Select the recovery mode from grub menu.

3. Now press 'e' to edit the grub menu and find out ro single

4. From the editing window replace ro single to rw init=/bin/bash

5. Now press ctrl+x. Now it will direct you into root directory without knowing the root password.

6. Change the root password by using the command given below.

passwd root

7. Now reboot your machine by the command given below.


8. Now Login as root and Enjoy ..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 25 November 2011 | posted in , | 0 comments [ More ]

Two E-commerce Wordpress Themes

Mazine E-Commerce Theme by ThemeForest


eShop - Ecommerce Theme by Templatic


Thursday, 24 November 2011 | posted in , | 1 comments [ More ]

Install Wordpress in Windows 7

WordPress is a web software you can used to create your own beautiful website or blog. WordPress is free and priceless software, it is very easy to use.

Install WordPress in Windows 7 (Local host)

To install word press in local host or in windows follow the steps given bellow.

1. Download and Install Xampp on windows. Click here to download Xampp from official website. For installation follow the screen short given below.

2. After installation, console (“cmd.exe”) will pop up automatically. Read carefully and type y for Yes or n for No, according to your installation choices.

3. Start XAMPP by clicking xampp-control.exe and start the Apache and MySQL services.

4. . Now open browser, go to http://localhost/xampp. Welcome screen of xampp will open as shown in the below figure. In the welcome xampp screen click phpmyadmin.

5. Now create a database (in my case I created nijesh) and also select the other two options (utf8_unicode_ci & utf8_general_ci) as same as shown in the below figure.

6. Now download Word Press, click here to download word press.

7. After downloading word press extract word file in the directory shown below,


8. Now, rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php. wp-config-sample file is in this directory(C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress). Now open the file and find ‘DB_NAME’. Now, write your database name that you created in place of wordpress, listed out there as shown in the below figure.

9. Now head over to http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php and complete the WordPress Installation.

10. Fill all the details as shown below.

Now word press is ready to use ...... !!

Sunday, 20 November 2011 | posted in , | 1 comments [ More ]

Update Firefox to 8.0 in Ubuntu 10.10

In Ubuntu 10.10 the default version of Firefox browser is Firefox 4.0. To update Firefox to 8.0 in Ubuntu 10.10 follow the steps given below.

1. System --> Synaptic Package Manager --> Settings --> Repositors

2.Select Other Software tab --> Click Add a dialog box open as given below.

Type the following code and click Add Source.


3. Reload the Synaptic Package Manager and Search for Firefox, Select Mark for Upgrade.

4.Now you can enjoy the Firefox 8.0.

Saturday, 19 November 2011 | posted in , | 1 comments [ More ]

An Intresting Shell Script

A Shell Script to print the Chess pattern on the terminal.

  • $ vi chessboard

  • for (( i = 1; i <= 9; i++ )) ### Outer for loop ###

  • do

  • for (( j = 1 ; j <= 9; j++ )) ### Inner for loop ###

  • do

  • tot=`expr $i + $j`

  • tmp=`expr $tot % 2`

  • if [ $tmp -eq 0 ]; then

  • echo -e -n "\033[47m "

  • else

  • echo -e -n "\033[40m "

  • fi

  • done

  • echo -e -n "\033[40m" #### set back background colour to black

  • echo "" #### print the new line ###

  • done


Run the above script as follows:

$ chmod +x chessboard

$ ./chessboard






Sunday, 13 November 2011 | posted in , | 0 comments [ More ]

Run Google Chrome as Root in Ubuntu 11.10

Google Chrome does not run in Ubuntu as root, while run Google Chrome as root it will display a error message as shown below.

To run Google Chrome as root in Ubuntu follow the steps given below.

1. Open the file google-chrome in any text editor.


2. Remove the last line as given below.

exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$@"

3. At the same place add the line given below.

exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$@" --user-data-dir $HOME

Now save the file and open Google Chrome, it will run asroot.

Enjoy .............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 12 November 2011 | posted in , | 2 comments [ More ]

Shutdown System Automatically in Ubuntu

In this post we can see how to shutdown the system automatically, ie daily at particular time or once in a week days or once in a month. To shutdown the system follow the steps given below.

1. First need to install a package. The package can installed by using terminal.

sudo apt-get install cron

2. Open text editor and write the script as given below,

Shutdown Daily

To shutdown the system daily, copy and past the script in text editor and save file name as root in the directory given below.


# minutes  hrs, dayofmonth, month, dayofweek command

55 13   *  * * /sbin/shutdown -h now

The above code will shutdown the system daily at 1:00 Pm.

Shutdown Weekly once

To shutdown the system once in a week, copy and past the script in text editor and save file name as root in the directory given above.

# minutes  hrs, dayofmonth, month, dayofweek command

00 13  *  * 0 /sbin/shutdown -h now

The machine will shutdown every Sunday 1:00 Pm.

Same as Sunday we can shutdown the machine Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday and Sunday. For this change the value from 0 to 6 for this in the same script.

00 13  *  * 0 /sbin/shutdown -h now #shutdown Sunday at 1:00 Pm

55 8   *  * 1 /sbin/shutdown -h now #shutdown Monday at 8:55 Am

55 3  *  * 2 /sbin/shutdown -h now #shutdown Tuesday at 3:55 Am

55 3  *  * 3 /sbin/shutdown -h now #shutdown Wednesday at 3:55 Am

55 6  *  * 4 /sbin/shutdown -h now #shutdown Thursday at 6:55 Am

55 4  *  * 5 /sbin/shutdown -h now #shutdown Friday at 4:55 Am

55 2  *  * 6 /sbin/shutdown -h now #shutdown Saturday at 2:55 Am

the value range from 0 - 6,

0 -----> Sunday

1 -----> Monday

2 -----> Tuesday

3 -----> Wednesday

4 -----> Thursday

5 -----> Friday

6 -----> Saturday

Note :

1. The file name must named as root.

2. Save the root file in the directory given below


Thursday, 10 November 2011 | posted in , | 0 comments [ More ]

Basic Ubuntu Commands

1. Enable Root in Ubuntu

To enable root directory execute the following command in terminal.

sudo passwd root

2. Add New User

To add a new user account execute the following command in terminal.

sudo adduser username

3. Delete User Account

To delete the user account execute the following command in terminal.

sudo deluser username

4. Lock/Unlock the User Account

To lock the user account execute the following command in terminal.

sudo passwd -l username

To Unlock the user account execute the following command in terminal.

sudo passwd -u username

5. Change Permission for File

chmod is a Unix command that lets you tell the system how much (or little) access it should permit to a file. To change the permission you must login in root using su on terminal.

chmod 700 /directory/filename

6. Change Permission for Connection Editor

You can set permission to connection editor using chmod command. To change the permission you must login in root using su on terminal.

chmod 700 /usr/bin/nm-connection-editor

You can remove permission for connection editor by executing the following command in terminal.

chmod 777 /usr/bin/nm-connection-editor

7. Change Permission for Media

You can set permission to media using chmod command. To change the permission you must login in root using su on terminal. After executing the command all the USB connections are get locked.

chmod 700 /media/

You can remove permission for media by executing the following command in terminal.

chmod 777 /media/

8. Change Permission for Appearance

You can set permission to appearance using chmod command. To change the permission you must login in root using su on terminal. After executing the following command desktop background cannot be changed in normal user.

chmod 700 /usr/bin/gnome-appearance-properties/

9. Change Permission for Screensaver 
You can set permission to screensaver  using chmod command. To change the permission you must login in root using su on terminal. After executing the following command screensaver cannot be changed in normal user.

chmod 700 /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-preferences/

10. Change Permission for Keyboard

You can set permission to keyboard preference  using chmod command. To change the permission you must login in root using su on terminal. After executing the following command keyboard preference cannot be changed in normal user.

chmod 700 /usr/bin/gnome-keyboard-properties

Wednesday, 9 November 2011 | posted in , | 2 comments [ More ]

TurnKey Linux Virtual Appliance Library

The Turnkey Linux Virtual Appliance Library is an open source project developing a free virtual appliance library of pre-packaged servers based on Ubuntu that can be deployed on virtual machines, in cloud computing infrastructures or installed in physical computers.

Each virtual appliance is a ready-to-use solution that's optimized for ease of use in server-type usage scenarios.Each appliance is designed to "just work" with little to no configuration required.

The project currently maintains 40 virtual appliances, which are packaged in multiple build formats:

  1. Amazon Machine Image: provisioned on-demand via the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

  2. Virtual appliance: a ready-to-run VMDK disk image with OVF support. Does not require installation.

  3. Installable Live CD: an ISO image which installs on both bare metal (I.e., a non-virtualized physical machine) and virtual machines, including VMware, Xen, VirtualBox, and KVM. This image can also run live in non-persistent demo mode.

Pre-integrated server applications include LAMP, Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, MySQL, MediaWiki, Domain controller, File server, Ruby on Rails, phpBB, and many others.

Saturday, 5 November 2011 | posted in , | 1 comments [ More ]

Wordpress Theme supporting SEO

Wordpress Themes which provide the SEO Optimization are provided by WOO Themes.Let us take a example of an theme,say Bueno.


You need to sign up in to  download this theme.

Theme Features:

  1. These are some of the features that you will find within the theme:

  2. Using a clear & concise grid-based design, Bueno is not only sexy as hell, but very easy to customize;

  3. Integrated banner ad management

  4. Widgetized sidebar, with some Bueno-specific custom widgets to allow you full control of what happens in your sidebar

  5. 7 different colour schemes to choose from

  6. Theme packaged with a .po file for easy theme translation.


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