In Linux and Unix, there is a SuperUser named Root but in windows Root is Administrators group. The SuperUser can do anything and everything, and thus doing daily work as the SuperUser can be dangerous. You could type a command incorrectly and destroy the system. Ideally, you run as a user that has only the privileges needed for the task at hand. In some cases, this is necessarily Root, but most of the time it is a regular user.
Reset Ubuntu Password:
To reset Ubuntu password follow the steps, it is very simple and easy to reset the password.
1. Reboot your machine and press alternatively shift+esc key. Now the grub menu will display.
2. Select the recovery mode from grub menu.
3. Now press 'e' to edit the grub menu and find out ro single
4. From the editing window replace ro single to rw init=/bin/bash
5. Now press ctrl+x. Now it will direct you into root directory without knowing the root password.
6. Change the root password by using the command given below.passwd root
7. Now reboot your machine by the command given below.reboot-f
8. Now Login as root and Enjoy ..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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